What Are The 4 Steps To Getting Rid Of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are insects that feed on the blood of humans. They usually grow in clothes and beds, within blankets and quilts, and bite mostly at night. Their bite may cause little to very dangerous effects from skin rashes and redness to many high-level allergies in allergic people, sometimes blisters may also occur. Itchiness is common and fever is the starting stage of severity, and dangerous complications include dead skin and vasculitis at the area of the bite. Bed Bug Control Treatment is decided as per the symptoms.

Identification Of Bed Bugs

They are small, brownish in colour and oval in shape which can be seen by naked eyes. Their main food is human blood, after sucking they become swell and red. Bed bugs can not fly but they can hide anywhere and climb even on walls and ceilings and also divide in numbers very fastly and require human blood for multiplication. There are some signs through which you can identify that bed bugs are present in your home:

  • When you see some dark and rusty spots on bed sheets and other fabric items on your bed.

  • If you feel a very bad musty odour in your room it means bedbugs are present.

  • Bite signs are seen on your family members, especially around the ankle.

  • Bloodstains are seen on your bedsheets, pillow covers, blankets and quilts. It indicates bed bugs' presence.

  • Bed Bugs leave behind all their eggshells, shredded skin and their faecal matter where they hide.

Major Steps Followed For Getting Rid Of Bed Bugs

It is very shocking to know that the bed bugs attack your house as it is not just a physical attack but it is a psychological attack that throws you out of sleep at night and you will get stressed. So, to get prevention from all these you should contact professional controllers of bed bugs which cure your anxiety and insomnia in a better and stepwise way as they follow certain procedures which are stepwise described here:

1. Find out the area of infection

When you come to know that your home is infested with bed bugs then first find out how much area is covered by them. Hire a professional and they will search the area of infestation and look at the following places:

  • Under the bed

  • Inside the blanket

  • In the joints of the furniture

  • Behind the posters and paintings on the walls

  • In between cracks and crevices

2. Application Of Vacuum

You can get rid of these nuisance bed bugs by applying vacuum cleaners on various places like carpets, beds, furniture, clothes, electronic items, etc. Experts then sealed the vacuumed bags into plastic bags and put them in garbage bins. 

3. Pre-treatment Preparation

Before starting the treatment process, clean all your clothes and magazines, books, bed sheets, blankets and everything and seal all the cracks and crevices. At last, move the bed away from the wall to prevent their climbing on the wall.

4. Treatment Process

The treatment process for bed bugs involves killing them and this is occurred due to various methods which are as follows:

  • Heat Treatment

Bedbugs are killed by the application of heat when high heat is above 45 degrees. As an alternative to heat steam can also be used by our experts.

  • Chemical Treatment

Some pesticides are used by bed bug controllers which include chemicals like Pyrroles, Pyrethroids and Pyrethrins, Neonicotinoids, etc which kill bed bugs by their different modes of action. 

  • Non-chemical Treatment

Some substances which are non-chemical like desiccants, foggers, Bug bombs and plant oil-based products kill them by different methods.

After the whole process is completed, the bed bug control specialists inspect the affected area to check their further existence.

Preventive Measures To Be Followed To Control Bed Bugs

There are a number of ways following which you can get your home and also your life prevented from bed bugs. They are given as under:

  • Any bedclothes that touch the floor like your bedsheets, quills, blankets and others should be washed and dried regularly.

  • When you have bed bugs in your home, keep your distance from outsiders and prevent yourself from going to others' houses so that your infection cannot transmit to another place.

  • Start the cleaning process at your home and clear the clutter so that the number of their hiding places is reduced.

  • The vacuuming process can be used in the whole area where bed bugs are present and place the bags containing bed bugs in tightly sealed plastic bags and throw them directly into a garbage vehicle.

If all the DIY methods which you tried do not work or become ineffective then your last option is to go to professionals.

Call Best Bed Bug Control Specialists For A Healthy Life And Safety

Bed Bugs spread very quickly and multiply so fast as within a very less time they convert from few to many. To prevent their multiplication and growth, you can call experts for Pest Control Services anytime. Experienced technicians will give fast relief from bed bugs and that is why they are certified and licensed by the licensing authority which occupies the topmost position in the pest control industry. Believe in Local Bed bug exterminators who provide you with safe and affordable services. Rest is your decision on how you want to get rid of bed bugs. 


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